FCRPD Commemorates the international day of persons with disabilities
3rd December is annually celebrated as the international day of persons with disabilities. This day is set aside to advocate as well as recognize the great work done by persons with disabilities. This day sends a great signal to the society that persons with disabilities are part and parcel of the society and should not be underrate or discriminated. The theme for this year is AMPLIFYING THE LEADERSHIP OF PERSONS WITH FOR AN INCLUSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY. This calls for the participation and involvement of all stakeholders to achieve such. We all have a role to play in making the theme a reality. Starting from the family, society the government etc.
The family and society should realise that persons with disabilities should be treated equally and fairly as any other member of the society. PWDs should be given the rights and and included in all aspects of the society. They deserve to be given equal share of the national cake. Gone are days when a person with disability will have nothing to do but to beg in the streets. All they need is empowerment and empathy and not sympathy.
The government should create policies and procedures to protect PWDs from all kinds of discriminations, stigmatisation and isolations. Let’s all understand that it’s a right and not a previlliage.
In commemorating the day, the American corner, Banjul in collaboration with FCRPD organized a seminar to discuss on issues affecting PWDs and how to remedy this prevailing challenges. The seminar was attended by persons with and without disabilities to interact and discuss on the way forward. Mr Samba Jaiteh Batch Samba, the president and founder of the foundation for the civic rights of persons with disabilities FCRPD serving as one on the panelist discussed on the theme for this year’s celebration and highlighted the challenges in realising such. Noting that all hands should be on desk to achieve the theme. Madam Joanna Gomez, from the American corner also part of the panelist discussed on the importance of stakeholders coming together to support PWDs. She also highlighted that there is always power in uniting to form a strong front. The event continued with interactive questions and answers between the panelist coordinated by Mr. Baboucar Cham from the corner.
Much appreciation goes to the the American corner and all those that attended the event.